Yoga & Shamanic
Healing Center

Located in Medellin, Colombia



Jurema Plant Medicine Ceremony @ Medellin, Colombia

August 22-23, 2024


  • Jurema Plant Medicine Ceremony

  • Transportation from Medellin to Healing Center and back

  • Overnight stay & breakfast the next day

  • Cost per person is $100 USD & includes everything above

Jurema is a sacred plant medicine used for thousands of years by many indigenous tribes in the Amazon of Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, and was even used by cultures from Central America, for purposes of Spiritual Healing.

Deep traumas in the soul are healed by the spiritual healing power of Jurema.

Jurema is a powerful and loving medicine that brings a feeling of universal love into the heart. It helps to heal from depression by its loving quality. It has the presence of a cosmic Grandmother that is holding you safely in her arms, keeping you safe. For this reason it has been called the Grandmother of All Medicines.

We host Jurema Plant Medicine ceremonies every Thursday at Yoga Shamanic Healing Center near Medellin, Colombia.

Ceremony starts at 5pm on Thursday. During the evening we will participate in a beautiful ancestral Jurema & Vedic ceremony led by Swami Shyamanand Saraswati, a Hindu monk & shamanic practitioner.

Guests will stay the night in private or shared bedrooms. Each bedroom has its own bathroom. Breakfast is included the next morning.

Transportation is included from Medellin to the healing center and back the next day.

The cost per person is $100 USD. This includes everything mentioned.

This is a very profound and sacred experience that has changed many lives since Swami Shyamanand has been sharing this ancestral spiritual practice since 2010.

Please message us if you are interested and would like to learn more. We hope to see you here.

Om 🙏


+1 954 687 7137

Warrior Songs US Veteran’s Healing Retreat @
Medellin, Colombia

Sept 18 - Oct 3 2024

A healing retreat focused on US veterans

We have partnered with the great non-profit organization Warrior Songs that helps military veterans heal through music and art.

Using their guidance and experience, we have designed a program specifically for veterans.

This program is a very concentrated and intense version of the yoga-shamanic program we offer. In this way, whatever emotional & mental traumas exist will be eradicated and healed at the root level.

Price per participant is $1,750 USD excluding airfare.

This includes everything including organic vegetarian meals, healing practices from Yoga and shamanic healing, Jurema medicine ceremony, sound healing, chiropractic, massage, and more.

Scholarships may be available for some participants.

For more info please apply at


+1 954 687 7137

Physical & Spiritual Healings
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Yoga • Ayurveda • Shamanism • Vedic Astrology • Naturopathy

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Healing Center in
Medellin, Colombia

Magic Mountain
Retreat in Colombia

We are a community of yogis, shamans, healers & mystics. We are guides for people on a journey of healing for the mind body & soul.

We practice a unique brand of holistic healing unlike other practitioners. We do this by combining Yoga from India with Shamanism from South America.

Learn more about why we combine these two ancient traditions into one.

Best for deep healing & transformation

Best for deep healing & transformation

Visit our Healing Center
Medellin, Colombia

A truly profound and transformative experience. This program is a full deep healing of the mind body & soul.

Incredible transformations have happened at our center, where people have healed from addictions, depression, and many mental and physical ailments.

  • $149 USD per night

  • Includes private room & bathroom

  • Daily physical & spiritual practices

  • Combining Vedic Yoga & Shamanism

  • All meals & travel from airport

Magic Mountain Retreat

Manoa Expedition
June 2024

Shaman-focused retreat with emphasis on hiking into a magical mountain range in Colombia, South America. This retreat is meant for people looking for adventure, shamanic plant medicine experiences, and breathtaking & untouched nature.

7 day retreat - $1500 USD

Reserve your spot today


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